One of the features available in the PDC Gateway Clock Management screen is a menu selection on each clock to view a "Clock Emulator" tool. This viewer assists in the configuration of the clocks by being able to visualize what the buttons will look like before sending the initialization commands to the clocks. The XML formatted configuration files are interpreted by the emulator just as they would be by a 4500 clock. Clicking on a blue button will display the underlying function assigned to the button.

PDC Gateway™ Integration Platform

The PDC Gateway™ is a robust and proven integration platform for today's demanding business requirements that provides real-time integration solutions across enterprise systems. With native SAP® communication out of the box, the PDC Gateway™ offers a framework to connect SAP to other systems via a wide range of methods. Drag and drop mapping is included to other systems such as Kronos Workforce Timekeeper, Activities, iSeries and even direct communication to Kronos clocks. Other systems and clocks can also be connected using industry standard protocols or custom methods. The PDC Gateway™ is fully scalable and customizable. In any integration scenario, PDC Gateway™ supplies a powerfull and robust toolset of graphical mapping, translation, reporting and scripting utilities for use in translation and functional aspects of any given interface. The PDC Gateway™ scripting environment utilizes the power of standard languages, including VB.NET and C#, to enhance integration points in a process or field translation level. Executing at run-time side by side with configured mapping, the PDC Gateway™ can easily handle even the most complex business solution requirements.

Native SAP® Communication

One of the robust and key signature offerings of the PDC Gateway™ is it's native SAP® communication capabilities. SAP® functionality accessible via BAPIs, RFCs, and IDocs can be made accessible to other systems over the Internet or internal networks via any of the PDC Gateway™ supported formats, such as XML. Available connections include customer enhanced and custom interfaces that have been created within SAP®, in addition to the standard connections. Learn More About PDC Gateway™ for SAP®

Native Kronos® Communication

PDC Gateway™ is delivered with a full set of preconfigured interfaces to the popular Kronos Workforce Timekeeper® and Workforce Activities® applications and even the Kronos iSeries® application. These interfaces are based on Kronos® published API's as well as database views. Some of the included interfaces are Employee posting, Activity postings and Activity Event capture (for use as SAP PP confirmations). There is also an included certified HR-PDC interface for use with the Kronos® 4500 and InTouch time clocks.

Pre-configured solutions

One of the robust and key signature offerings of the PDC Gateway™ is its rich set of included pre-built interfaces for common scenarios. These serve as a starting point to solve almost any possible requirement. The included PDC Gateway Monitor Tool can be used to modify the supplied base point and customize the solutions to each individual environment. So out of the box the PDC Gateway interface can capture SAP® IDOCs sent via ALE and convert the master data contained in them to API posts for Employees, Operations (Activities), Work Centers and Cost Centers (Labor Levels) etc. It can also capture or extract punch or timecard data from the Kronos® software and convert it to SAP® formatted IDOCs for upload (via ALE again) or to be used in BAPI calls directly into SAP®. These can be near real time interfaces that handle changes in both systems.

Multithreading High Data Volume Capability

With an almost fifteen year track record in fortune 500 enterprises, the PDC Gateway™ platform has developed into a stable secure solution for large, data intense, environments. One PDC Gateway™ server can support multiple plants with multiple Kronos® and SAP® systems. Each process runs in it's own space independent of others and therefore can be scaled up to handle many simultaneous processes.

Native Kronos® Clock Communication

The PDC Gateway™ platform has a set of tools included to directly communicate with Kronos clocks. All of the features that the clocks are capable of are supported by the latest PDC Gateway™. This includes initialization via database or xml file data. All internal master data can be sent manually or automatically to different clocks based on criteria such as plant or cost center values. So a typical scenario would be to receive employee master data via an automated (ALE) SAP® "mini-master" IDOC and transform those records into XML updates posted to the correct clocks for each employee. Clocks can be managed within the tool to add them to groups and send commands like start punch collection or time set. The punches are collected in either "on-line" or "batch" methods by the included punch collection service(s). Collected punches can be automatically formatted into SAP® IDOCs for upload into HR-PDC time events or they can be sent to SAP® CATS in real time using the included BAPI interface. Biometric data can also be captured from 4500 or InTouch clocks with fingerprint readers. This data can be stored in the interface so it is available to reinitialize clocks if required. Punches can be validated using this fingerprint data if configured to do so. No Kronos® software is required to do any of the clock transactions mentioned above.

For over fifteen years, IOMOTION  has supplied its customers with SAP® and Kronos® integration solutions.  The PDC Gateway™ was developed for exactly this purpose and was certified by SAP® and Kronos® many years ago.  It has since been further enhanced and refined to meet today's hardware and software requirements.

Our mission is to listen to our client's specific needs and deliver cost effective solutions that can be implemented quickly and under budget.  Since we have been focused on this type of solution for so long, we probably have most, if not all of your interface requirements in our product right "out of the box".  We also have many clients that can help provide guidance to new clients during their discovery phase.

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Watch this space for support articles, case studies and other import documentation.

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SAP time collection made easy.

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PDC Gateway™ Core Products

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Do we need any Kronos® software to communicate with Kronos® Clocks?

No, we can interface directly with Kronos 4500, InTouch and even the old 400 series clocks.


Does your PP and PM solution provide real-time confirmation updates in SAP®?

Yes, we can constantly monitor the Kronos system and if changes are detected either the new data is confirmed or the existing confirmation is cancelled and the new data is re-confirmed.

Product Demos 

PM Interface

The PDC Gateway™ Monitor comes with many additional capabilities to create a set of interfaces that will satisfy even the most demanding requirements. Watch this space for new features in the latest version releases.

The PDC Gateway Monitor now includes a Clock Management screen (image at left) to easily setup and maintain time clocks. Clocks can be created or deleted and, with drag and drop actions, can be assigned to different groups. The clock configuration can be unique for each clock or it can be common to all clocks in a group. If replacing a currently running legacy Kronos® system, the configuration files can be imported and stored in the PDC Gateway clock database. By selecting the configuration record, the XML edit tree is populated and changes can be made to the configuration simply by editing the text in the tree. Update data such as employee information can be automatically generated to the XML records from SAP® HR mini-master or from other sources by using the built in mapping functions. Clocks can be set to update at some interval or when fresh data arrives from the source (like an IDOC received via ALE).

Integration Development and Monitoring Platform

The PDC Gateway™ Monitor is a powerful development platform for building robust solutions on the PDC Gateway™ Integration platform. Packed with intuitive easy to use graphical tools for building Gateway interface projects, the development GUI utilizes drag and drop simplicity as well as VB.NET or C# scripting languages for unlimited power and versatility. Combined with the development tools are the monitoring and maintenance features. These allow for a one stop solution for all tasks required to design, build and maintain the interface solution.

PDC Gateway™ Monitor

PDC Gateway™ Server

Integrated Business Solutions


The PDC Gateway™ CATS interface integrates Kronos® software systems or clocks to SAP® HR. This interface provides for master data downloads and complete time record uploads between the Kronos® system and the SAP® system.

The PDC Gateway™ PP-PDC interface integrates Kronos® labor systems to SAP® PP. This interface provides master data IDOC downloads like orders and operations and BAPI uploads of PP labor confirmations including cancellations.

PP Interface

At IOMOTION  we know that getting time information from employees on the shop floor or elsewhere into SAP® can be a major challenge.  The PDC Gateway™ Integration Platform is the proven solution developed over many years and deployed worldwide in some of the most demanding environments.  (Click HERE to see a partial Client List) 

We have developed this product to easily solve many types of requirements, from the simplest Kronos® Clock to flat file interface to the most complex near real-time SAP® HR, PP, PM to Kronos® WFA bi-directional interface.

We are confident that we can provide a cost effective interface solution for your company's needs.  Contact us today and let's get started!

Download a Clock Interface DEMO today!  NEW Jan. 2016 

SAP time collection made easy


The PDC Gateway™ PM interface integrates Kronos® labor systems to SAP® PM. This interface provides master data IDOC downloads like service orders and activities and BAPI uploads of PM labor confirmations including cancellations.


The PDC Gateway™ HR-PDC interface integrates Kronos® software systems or clocks to SAP® HR. This interface provides for master data downloads and time event uploads between the Kronos® system and the SAP® system.

The PDC Gateway™ Monitor has the ability to easily connect to multiple instances of the PDC Gateway™ Server and multiple clients per server. New projects can be quickly created or imported from Iomotion's large library of existing projects. Once tested and approved the projects can be assigned to run on the PDC Gateway Server triggered by a timer, some parent process or even the arrival of data from the included IDOC receiver service. Existing projects from our library can be modified to meet virtually any business requirement by utilizing the robust graphical toolset of the PDC Gateway Monitor development GUI. Projects can be easily managed from the system's main development panel and "quick-tested" from within the GUI. Results from recent executions of any process can be reviewed simply by right clicking the process in the project tree and selecting "Latest Results".

PDC Gateway™